ASCENT OF ARTICLES & LINKS (newsworthy, &/or of interest), CONTINUATION


1. Michael Izuchukwu (@mci53) - Gab Social



9:14 PM (1/27/24):

The Story Of Barack Obama Becoming President | Barack Obama: Finding Hope | Documentary Central (

"E pluribus unum (Out of many, one)..." - Barack Obama

Michael is on Couchsurfing! | Couchsurfing /

I visited my Couchsurfing profile, moments ago... ...and examined the post, made on 1/16/20...

On a laptop or desktop, press the keys 'CTRL' & 'F' simultaneously... to search '1/16/20'...

A lot of what I had written, on this site... ...detailed my adventures in Virginia, in the summer of 2019... as well as those, in Pennsylvania... in the Fall of 2019...

Observations were documented, in real-time... ...and typed up, later (for many occasions)

It has been said, that 'fortune favors the brave'... ...although, sometimes... must invoke one's intellect and imagination, to achieve... the seemingly elusive... ...or to set precedents, that have never been... 

"Often, we humans... do not know our capabilities... until, we have tested... our limits..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:18 AM (1/28/24):
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer... son, of the morning..." - Isaiah 14:12

Hans Zimmer - The Burning Bush | slow relaxing ambient ( (0:00-0:30)

(the 'above' video segment, evokes of this bible verse)


Isaiah 14:12-14 KJV - How art thou fallen from heaven, O - Bible Gateway


10:15 PM (1/14/24):

Biden: US does not support Taiwan independence (

"Article that I stumbled across, earlier today... Personally, I support the sovereignty... ...of 'established nations'... ...and thus, I was puzzled... by this headline..." - Michael Izuchukwu (I was wondering if this was a 'collective opinion,' or an 'individual one')

Established nations, are those... ...which have their own 'way of life,' giving such countries... ...distinction, from others...

10:20 PM (1/14/24):

The Last Samurai - A Way of Life (


100,000 People - Philip Glass (The Fog Of War Intro) (

"...the fool, hath said... his heart, 'there is no God'..." - Psalm 14:1

 "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… ...but only he, who does the will... of my Father…" - Matthew 7:21 (according to Jesus Christ, regarding 'God the Father')

(in ancient times, patriarchal society implied that 'he' would be a representative term... for both 'men, and women')

NOTE #1:
Interesting it is, how a human is supposed to do 'the will' of God the Father... ...and yet, Jesus Christ said he/she is not supposed to relate to him... directly... ...given that Jesus proclaimed, that He is the intermediator... between humans, and God the Father... John 14:6:

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me..." - John 14:6

[Jesus Christ was relating to God the Father (when on Earth), but humans... are supposed to relate, to that... which is relating (Jesus Christ's life and teachings/His Gospel), to God the Father]

NOTE #2:

Discussing my insights on Blaise Pascal's Wager (East Orange, NJ - 11:42 AM, on 3/12/22) (


9:35 PM (1/14/24):

mlk day - Google Search

(Yahoo snapshot, moments after the 'above' link... was post)
The headline, is of 'grammatical error,' and is erroneous/misleading... the context of 2 decades, being '20 years'... ...and MLK's assassination, occurring in 1968...



5:15 PM (1/14/24):
My mom's mom (Gertrude), was born in Cuba (on 9/27/24)... She grew up in Jamaica, and was part Indian (regarding the country of India)... Gertrude (my grandma) & her immediate family members, relocated to Jamaica... ...some time, after she was born... In 2005, my mom, I & other members... in my family... ...attended, Gertrude's funeral (in Orange Bay, Jamaica)... ...when she died, on 3/18/05.... from natural causes... (the maiden name of my mom's mom, was 'Evans') 

[Gertrude Evans became 'Gertrude Palmer,' after marriage]

Fidel Castro on the JFK Assassination - YouTube


"Why go to the moon?" - John F. Kennedy at Rice University (, 9:31 PM (1/14/24)


About | Michael Izuchukwu (

5:21 PM (1/14/24):

My mom was not in a 'harmonious relationship' with my dad (they divorced in 2011), but she told me moments ago... ...that my dad's dad died... from 'internal bleeding'... A robber had entered the home of my dad's dad, and 'my grandpa' injured himself ('via puncturing')... ...when he attempted to 'chase after'... the robber...
My dad's mom (Cecilia Ikeakor, who was born on 9/22/42) was a seamstress (who 'made clothes'), who died from complications... ...from 'diabetes'... None of my family members attended her funeral, except 'my dad'... 

To 'my recollection (and not my mom's),' Cecilia died in 2002... My mom believed that her mom died, before her ex-husband's mom... died (until she suggested, my memory... was likely better, than hers)...

Talk with mom, begun at 5:19 PM... on 1/14/24 (snapshot from 5:38 PM, on 1/14/24)
Very curious I am, about who my 'great grandparents'... ...were, on both sides of my family (mom's and dad's)
The information that I knew about my dad's mom (regarding her last name's spelling, and birth date), was 'with me (mentally)'... ...I suspect, my mom does not know such... off the 'top of her head'... ...based, off 'the aforementioned'... ...and my assumption, is that... 'I am correct'...


4:01 PM (1/14/24):
About '3' minutes ago, the phrase 'God of this universe'... ...appeared, in my mind... Shortly after, I made a connection... to the moon landing, of 1969... In truth, humans did not step onto such... until 7/21/69 (the moon landing took place, on 7/20/69... ...but about '6' hours elapsed, before Neil Armstrong... ...stepped, on the moon (to my recollection)... '2:56 GMT' time...


neil armstrong stepped on the moon, on july 21 1969 - Google Search

In terms of English gematria, 'G' & 'U' could be thought of as the numbers '7' & '21'... ...and my 'above' revelation, may be why... ...NASA delayed, Neil Armstrong... ...being the first man, to step... on the moon...

I personally believe, that God the Father ('the god of our universe/'Alien or Extraterrestrial God/'Heavenly Father')... ...may also be the 'god of all universes'... ...assuming, that he appointed 'highly advanced dimensional beings'... oversee, the others...

4:15 PM (1/14/24):

Those words, that 'emanated' in my mind (at approximately 3:58 PM, on 1/14/24)... ...were assuredly, from Jesus Christ... ...if we assume, that after He departed to heaven (which was 40 days, after His Resurrection... ...which itself, took 3 days)... Jesus Christ assumed the function, of God the Father... ...given that 'God the Father' moved on, to a 'grander stage'... ...of being/existence (once he had appointed his Son, Jesus... ...who was born, via the 'Immaculate Conception')...


1:32 PM (1/14/24):

GREATEST CURRENCIES (ranked from greatest to least, in descending order):

1. Life (of ‘spiritual law’)

"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the misdeeds of the body... will live..." - Romans 8:13 (according to Jesus Christ)

"Verily, verily, I say unto you... that if a man keep my saying, he shall never... see death..." - John 8:51 (according to Jesus Christ) 

2. ? (of 'mental law' - embedded in higher dimensions)

>>>proof that this is so, is that 304 years after the invention of calculus (in 1665, by Isaac Newton)... ...humans, stepped on the moon... (human progress is faster, when via mental means... opposed, to physical means) 


(304 years, of 'international collaboration'... ...once humans, were in 'mathematical light'... as opposed... to 'mathematical darkness')

Albert Einstein 1930 Radio Exhibition Speech (German w/ English subs) [HD, Colorized] ( 

Albert Einstein, was born in 1879... ...which was 214 years, after the invention... of calculus...

/\/\/\, 9:30 PM (1/14/24)

>>>Jesus Christ was on Earth (around 0 AD - 1,665 years... ...before the invention, of calculus)

3. Time (of ‘physical law’ – embedded in the cosmos/universe)

>>>theoretically, a consequence of the 'Big Bang' Theory... ...which attests, that the universe... ...was once, a 'singularity'... ...before the occurrence, of expansion...

4. Money (of ‘societal law’ - embedded in trading & exchanges/supply & demand/give and take)

>>>a consequence, of Isaac Newton's 3rd law

This is 'the opinion,' of Michael Izuchukwu

3:21 PM (1/14/24):

(photo of '2' egg rolls, as of 3:04 PM... on 1/14/24... ...which I had purchased from the NJ Gourmet buffet, in East Orange, NJ... ...around 2:50 PM... ...they were tasty, and arguably... therapeutic)

I don't usually get them, often (convenience, usually promotes this)... Typically, I do so when my energy level... 'is low'... ...and/or 'when they are prepared, a certain way'... ...which is, my preference... 


12:11 PM (1/14/24):

"I am the Way, Truth, and Life" Jesus x VØJ, Narvent - Memory Reboot Slowed - YouTube (2:03-2:23)


"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me..." - John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
[It is interesting to note, that Jesus put Himself... in relation, to these '3' variables (the Way, the Truth & the Life)... Perhaps this is an allusion, to Him being 'the only way... to heaven'... the answer, to the mystery of life... ...for human beings... ...and the pathway, to eternal life... for them.
...Given that Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, and now performs the function of God (as 'God the Son')... ...which His Father ('God the Father'), previously had (prior to moving on, to 'another stage')... ...I do not think any other human, can get advanced enough... be 'the Life'... Consequently, I think it's only possible... for such an individual, of interest... relate, to being 'the Way' and 'the Truth'... a degree...] - Michael Izuchukwu (11:14 AM, on 12/4/23)

Regarding the 'above' video segment, I surmise that Jesus Christ is saying... that it's possible... ...for someone, to be 'the Truth'... ...when He said, 'the Spirit, of Truth'... 

(being one of the 3 variables, regarding 'The Way, The Truth & the Life'... different, than being... 'all three')


10:04 AM (1/14/24):


Perspective of life, at Harvard University... ...from a person, who probably thinks... ...that you have to be super rich, or super famous... thrive, there...


20-1199 Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (06/29/2023) (


8:33 AM (1/14/24):

Goku vs Nappa ( (0:00-7:19)

Regarding 8:30-8:42, I never knew... until today... ...that Nappa, was the 'Commander-in-Chief,' of the entire 'Saiyan army'... ...even though in kindergarten, I had begun watching Dragonball Z (routinely)... ...when such was aired, on TV...

7:19 AM (1/14/24):

2. 2024 Olympics’ bold opening ceremony plan is a go: A boat parade through Paris - The Athletic 

1. NASA delays Artemis 2 and 3 missions - SpaceNews


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