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Got questions? They precede answers...
[A look outside the window, of my former apartment (at the Vanguard Crossing complex, in University City, MO)... at 7:48 PM, on 8/14/20]



RECAP (from
12:35 AM (12/26/22):
4:39 PM (10/16/22):
"...above is testimony, from Denis Vashurin*... terms of 'asymptotic aging,' perhaps the standard time window... in which such is 'inclined' to begin... is 13 to 28, but such is usually contingent... on certain, preceding... 'homeostatic events'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Meet 32-Year-Old Man Who Looks Like A 14-Year-Old Boy — Guardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News (in the article, Denis is holding his phone... as though saying, 'don't let them know')

12:39 AM (12/26/22):

12:02 AM (12/26/22):
"Interesting video, regarding full name composition and meaning... Such usually consists of 3 components - first, middle and last... ...and likely carries spiritual weight, in the context of the human voice... being an aspect, of the Holy Spirit's power..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:06 AM (12/26/22):
RECAP (from
>>>...One's name is expressed differently, in certain languages... when written (due to different alphabets). My curiosity led me to recently learning, that my full name of 'Michael Chike Izuchukwu' is spelled as (in Persian): Ω…Ψ§ΫŒΪ©Ω„ Ϊ†ΫŒΪ©Ω‡ Ψ§ΫŒΨ²ΩˆΪ†ΩˆΪ© 
"My analysis of the text (in relation to the English language), is that I see an 'S,' three 'U's,' 'G,' 'K,' and an 'L'... 
I am curious as to why '3' U's' are discernible in my full name (regarding my 'last name'/surname of 'IZUCHUKWU') and that of such, when written in Persian... perhaps the repetition of the letter, 'U,' 3 times (regarding 'geometric shape')... in both the English and Persian language... is of 'linguistic significance'... ...language formulation is linked to 'mathematics'... 
In terms of the system of 'English gematria,' the letters, 'S,' 'U,' 'U,' 'U,' 'G,' 'K,' and 'L' could be represented as the numbers 19, 21, 21, 21, 7, 11, and 12... which add up to '112,' which happens to be the integers (numbers) of my birthdate, in 1989 (November 2, 1989 or 11/2/89)... I find that quite intriguing, and surely... such is not coincidental..." - Michael Izuchukwu <<<
[a depiction of the anime characters of Goku (right) and Broly (left), as infants... Broly's power level was unusually high, as such... at 10,000]
Who knows...

11:50 PM (12/25/22):
"A favorite Christmas song, of mine..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:33 PM (12/25/22):
"Quite creative... A dude on the streets, has a 'wormhole (Einstein-Rosen bridge), cardboard house'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:51 PM (12/25/22):

9:22 PM (12/25/22):
"Who knew...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

9:12 PM (12/25/22):
"Interesting mansion... an African from an impoverished, landlocked country... such might seem like the 'White House,' to him/her..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:52 PM (12/25/22):
"In this video, the dude being referenced... is probably wondering if the phrase, 'it was just the nature, of the business'... is a good alibi..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

6:39 PM (12/25/22):
"After watching this video, I thought the problem with Mexican cartels being involved in the present U.S. border crisis... is of interest... ...particularly, in the context of ex-convicts... and the prospect of recidivism, and subsequent extradition..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:26 PM(12/25/22): 
(Christmas dinner - salmon, macaroni, a few small peppers... and collared greens, as of 3:53 PM, today... ...such was dropped off, by my mom)

NOTE #1:
Some noodles and fried chicken were served at my dominion, around 3:30 PM (as opposed to the standard 'serving time' of 4 PM). I did not hear any announcements, and when I went downstairs... there were '2 plates' left, to my understanding... Each was packed with carbohydrates, and a negligible amount of the chicken (small pieces)... I have no reservations about the mental incompetence, of the 'indigenous and tribal-like' staff members... regarding their perception, of 'quality food'...
NOTE #2:
I disposed of the noodles (entirely), after consuming about 15%...

(sample photo, from the past - 'not current')
"Kentucky fried chicken... the right way..."

5:10 PM (12/25/22):
"0:44-0:59 from this scene, in the 2011 movie 'The Help'... is quite dystopic..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE: There's more to live for... first reaction, was 'may God have mercy, if those sentiments... are genuine, and encapsulating...'

5:14 PM (12/25/22):
(footage of a dude, checking 'his investments'... after incarceration)
"The tragedy in a man's life, is what dies inside of him... while he lives.." - Albert Schweitzer

1:59 PM (12/25/22): 
"In this video, NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg... demonstrates how she runs, in space... and I drew a parallel, between her and 'Eliza Thornberry (an animated character, from the TV show 'The Wild Thornberrys')... regarding her hairdo..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"Interesting video, regarding the field of astrochemistry... At some time in 2010 (given I had been a student at Rice University, from 2008-2010), I had proposed my own major of astrochemistry... ...which was comprised of a sample curriculum (list of courses), in 'template format'... that could be aligned, with someone attempting to set a foundation... for learning about 'organisms' of extraterrestrial origin (regarding their biological makeup)... and about the composition, of stars (in the cosmos)...

"After watching 8:40-13:10 of this video, I found it intriguing that Dr. Clara Sousa-Silva suspects that somewhere in the cosmos... there could be 'extraterrestrial astrophysicists,' who may be searching for universal means... of understanding the cosmos, in relation... to a species, such as humans (Homo Sapiens)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

At 33:20-33:50 in this video, Dr. Clara Sousa-Silva has a vibe... that seems to convey, that she is cognizant... about the intangibility of time's passage, and how such is fleeting...

11:37 AM (12/25/22):
"Interesting video, in which a 70-year-old discusses how life perception may vary differently, year by year... that stage in life, than when exceedingly younger..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Very interesting video, regarding that which a Harvard graduate physics student... finds fascinating and intriguing, for why he has devotion... to the subject..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE: The title is metaphorical, and slightly 'clickbait'...

11:28 AM (12/25/22):
(a leftover sausage link and 6 croutons, from 11:22 AM... today)

1:47 PM (5/6/22): "About a couple hours ago, I was contacted to see a client... who was described as 'relatively unruly and aggressive'. I presently am employed as a behavioral contractor, and was informed that I would be seeing clients... for 6 months to 2 years... on a case-by-case basis. Nevertheless, there was no follow-through on the parents' behalf, to facilitate sessions. An inquiry with my employer, led me to learning that it was believed I was 'too young'... when I am in fact 32-years-old. At age 35, one is eligible to become President of the United States... so, I can only surmise that some people are at odds... with their biological and chronological ages, and their personal contentment... with those variables..." - Michael Izuchukwu
1:55 PM (5/6/22): "One should not put all one's eggs in a single basket, just as not all of them... may be good ones..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:04 PM (5/6/22): "I was just reminded of this scene, from the movie 'Meet Joe Black'... The words, 'who knows... lightning could strike,' resonated with me... given that my dad always used to say, 'make haste, when the sun shines'... Today would have been his 67th birthday, given that he passed away on 10/8/20... at age 65..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:14 PM (5/6/22): "Something about this scene, also resonated with me..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:35 PM (5/6/22):
(lunch from 11:23 AM, today - turkey meat and carrots)
(dinner from 4:26 PM, today - pork chops, broccoli and potatoes)
"Regarding the above meals, I would characterize them as 'appealing to the senses'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


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